Gardening | Kentucky Nutrition Education Program


Better Beverage Choices

Did you know? More than half of the weight in the human body is water! Water is important for many of the body’s activities including nutrient transportation, digestion, waste removal and organ protection. It would only make sense that the best beverage choice for a healthy body is…water! We know water can get boring, so […]

Italian Shrimp Pasta

Craving a fancy night out at your local Italian restaurant? Create this yummy pasta dish at home, and save money and calories! 4 simple steps and you can be enjoying this filling dish with your family in as little as 30 minutes. With unlimited left over possibilities, this dish is sure to be a winner. […]

Pantry Staple: Eggs

Stretch your protein dollar! Eggs can be less expensive than many meat sources but still provide a good protein source. Eggs also contain important nutrients and are a very versatile kitchen staple. Try a turkey burger topped with an egg, make an egg scramble with veggies you have on hand or hard boil a batch […]

Picky Eaters? Amazing Pancakes!

Does your house have some picky eaters? Breakfast can be one of the most challenging meals for a picky eater. These pancakes are a great way to get some whole grains, protein and vegetables into your child’s breakfast! Follow the link below for a printer friendly version of our interactive Amazing Pancakes recipe. Amazing Pancakes

Strawberry Beet Smoothie

Get your day started off right with this deliciously sweet smoothie. Drink for breakfast or pair it with an assortment of crackers, cheese and nuts for a light, energy packed lunch. This smoothie will put you in the right mood to start your day! Ingredients: 1 cup orange-pineapple juice 1 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt 1\2 […]

Pantry Staple: Flour

When it comes to flour, there is a lot to know. Flour is a staple item and you should always have some on hand. But what kind!? How much? How long does it stay good? Let’s get started. Types of flour: All-Purpose (AP)– AP flour can otherwise be known as “plain flour”. It is the […]

5 After School Snacks

Do you struggle with a healthy option to feed your kiddos after school? Is it too early for dinner, too late for lunch, and so temping to have an unhealthy snack after a long day? Check out these 5 options for healthy, yummy snacks! 1. A small cup of fruit is the perfect size for […]

The Benefits of Walking

  The Benefits of Walking- Control weight Increase self-esteem Lower anxiety and stress Build bone and muscle mass Lower Cholesterol Regular physical activity improves health and reduces the risk of developing many chronic diseases including heart disease, high blood pressure, overweight and obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes, and certain cancers. Although children and adolescents are generally more […]

Omelet on the go…

Do you ever struggle with what to make for breakfast? Here is your solution! These delicious hand held omelets are just the thing you need. Make these egg muffins the night before, store them in the fridge and in the morning all you have to do is pop them in the microwave and you are […]

Savory Thyme-Roasted Carrots

4 Ingredients+ 5 ways to use it + $1.09 per recipe! This quick and easy recipe will leave you looking for more ways to use these carrots in new and exciting dishes! They pair great with several of our Calendar recipes and with 4 simple ingredients, you are sure to add these to your cooking […]